The good news is- my rash is almost gone now!
The Africans have been helpful with advice and I've searched for many online tips. I tried lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, desitin, hydrogen peroxide, olive oil, cornstarch, baking soda, lanolin, various cremes, and the two things that worked the best were found here at the market.
One is called Soldier Powder and the other is called Paradise (Paradis- in French). They both work very good! What I have found best is to apply the Soldier Powder, and then I will feel like I am in Paradise :).
I have felt a bit whiter these past few weeks :)
The powder has menthol in it and it takes me from hot and humid togo to cold as alaska with in seconds after application. Such wonderful powder- I may just start wearing it year round!
Someone asked me in market if I was going to turn into a soldier... Hut 2, 3, 4 :) This powdered soldier is off and running- 10/40 over and out!